Top 10 Countries For Hiring International Employees

What are the best locations for hiring international employees? Discover the benefits of hiring remotely in our shortlist of countries, and how to simplify the process with Playroll.

International Hiring

Marcelle van Niekerk

July 11, 2024

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Key Takeaways

If you want to scale your business, hiring international employees holds many benefits – such as tapping into global talent pools and increasing diversity within your team.

However, it can be overwhelming to assess which countries could be your next hotspot for talent and best suited for remote work. Here’s our shortlist of top countries for international hiring based on several criteria – and find out how Playroll’s Employer of Record solution can streamline the entire process.

Why Should You Hire Overseas Employees?

If you aim for global growth, hiring internationally isn't just an option — it's a game-changer. Embrace the diversity that sparks innovation and fuels creativity. The trend of hiring overseas employees, as highlighted in the World Economic Forum's analysis, reflects a strategic response to global labor market dynamics and technological advancements. 

Some of the top benefits include:

  • Larger talent pools: Hiring globally expands your candidate pool, bringing in diverse skills and experiences from around the world to find the best talent regardless of location.
  • Increased diversity: Embracing global hiring increases cultural, ethnic and gender diversity in your team, in turn boosting creativity, problem-solving and business profitability, according to a McKinsey report.
  • Higher employee satisfaction with remote work: Remote work boosts satisfaction and productivity, with a growing preference for better work-life balance and reduced commuting stress.
  • Cost savings: Hiring in regions with a lower cost of living can help you stay within budget for your roles while still accessing high-quality talent.
  • Growing your global presence and better market insights: A diverse team across regions provides local market insights and cultural understanding, which is crucial for global expansion.
  • Flexible workforce management: Operating globally allows round-the-clock operations and better customer service, leveraging different time zones for continuous support.

How To Choose Countries When Hiring Remotely

Ready to explore new markets to reap the benefits of a global workforce? When looking at hiring in a new country, assessing it according to these criteria can help you make the best choice for your business:

  • High levels of education: Hiring from regions known for their strong educational backgrounds ensures you have access to highly skilled professionals.
  • Good infrastructure: Reliable infrastructure, including top-notch internet connectivity and modern communication networks, helps your remote team to collaborate seamlessly.
  • Cost of living and employee benefits: Evaluate the cost of living and factors such as statutory employee benefits and employer taxes in each region, to get an idea of the cost of an employee in that region. For example, hiring in countries with lower cost of living and a lower cost to the employer can help you save on hiring costs. Use tools like Playroll's cost calculator to compare and optimize your employer costs effectively.
  • Shared time zones: Time zone alignment fosters real-time collaboration and can help your global team operate more efficiently.
  • Availability of digital nomad visas: Regions offering digital nomad visas or attractive tax incentives not only attract skilled remote workers but also creates a more supportive environment for your team.
  • Appetite for remote work: Embrace regions with a strong appetite for remote work, meaning your team members are motivated and committed to achieving shared goals no matter where they are.
  • Quality of lifestyle: Consider regions that offer a good lifestyle for employees, with access to many natural landscapes, vibrant urban centers, and diverse cultural experiences.
  • Political stability and safety: Choose regions known for their stability and safety, providing a secure environment where your team.
  • English proficiency: Ensure effective communication by selecting regions where employees have strong English proficiency or the necessary language skills to collaborate across borders and cultures.
  • Strong legal frameworks: Prioritize regions that protect remote workers' rights and have robust employment regulations. This creates a supportive and compliant work environment for your team to thrive.

Top 10 Countries to Hire International Employees

Based on criteria such as high education levels, reliable infrastructure, competitive cost evaluations, political stability, language proficiency, and robust legal protections, here’s our choice of top 10 countries to hire international employees. In no specific order:

1. Germany

Boasting a high level of education and robust infrastructure, Germany offers a competitive cost of living and attractive employee benefits. The country is increasingly embracing remote work, heightening its appeal to international employers.

Germany is renowned for its exceptional quality of life, which includes political stability and safety. Moreover, most professionals in Germany are proficient in English, making it an ideal environment for global business operations.

2. The United States

The United States features a world-class education system and advanced infrastructure, providing competitive employee benefits and strong legal protections. It accommodates various international business needs with convenient time zones and a diverse range of lifestyle options. English proficiency is also widespread in the U.S.

3. Portugal

The Portuguese have high levels of education, and there is an increasing emphasis on international programs and partnerships. The cost of living is generally lower compared to other European countries, while still having attractive benefits on offer to employees.

This makes it an attractive option for cost-effective international hiring. The country offers a high-quality lifestyle with pleasant climates, cultural richness, and affordable healthcare. Portugal is known for its political stability and safety.

4. Singapore

Singapore is known for its world-renowned education system and advanced infrastructure, particularly in technology and business sectors. Positioned in GMT+8, it facilitates global business interactions.

Initiatives like digital nomad visas and Tech Pass welcome skilled professionals and entrepreneurs, promoting a strong remote work culture.

5. Canada

Canada has a robust education system and advanced infrastructure tailored to modern business needs. Its convenient time zones facilitate global interactions, making it a favorable environment for international employers. Canada's openness to skilled professionals is evident through its various immigration programs, which support a strong remote work culture with progressive policies.

6. Australia

Australia also has an excellent education system and welcoming visa programs that encourage a diverse workforce. The country promotes remote work through flexible arrangements and progressive policies, ensuring a high quality of life. 

Australia is also noteworthy for its excellent healthcare, safety, and cultural amenities, supported by a stable political environment and strong legal frameworks.

7. Japan

Japan has advanced technology infrastructure and digital nomad visas on offer, promoting a strong work culture with flexible arrangements and innovative policies. 

The country offers a high quality of life, featuring excellent healthcare, robust safety standards, and rich cultural experiences. Japan's stable political environment and robust legal protections create a secure and supportive setting for both employers and employees.

8. South Africa

Well-known for its breathtaking natural landscapes, South Africa also has a relatively low cost of living compared to many Western countries along with a multi-cultural workforce that is proficient using English as a primary business language. It also recently rolled out digital nomad visas to boot.

Positioned in the GMT+2 time zone, South Africa facilitates convenient business interactions across Europe and Africa, making it an attractive location for international employers.

9. The Netherlands

The Netherlands is celebrated for its education system and advanced infrastructure. With fast internet and a flourishing technology sector, the Netherlands is an excellent location for businesses that need highly skilled employees.

Its strategic location within the GMT+1 time zone heightens its appeal as a hub for European and global commerce. The country is politically stable and offers a secure environment for residents and businesses alike, supported by a strong legal framework that ensures transparency and protection for both employers and employees.

10. South Korea

South Korea is distinguished by its prestigious education system and cutting-edge infrastructure supporting technology and commerce. The country promotes a thriving culture of remote work with progressive policies and a digitally adept workforce. 

South Korea boasts a high standard of living, including exceptional healthcare, stringent safety standards, and a vibrant cultural scene, making it an appealing destination for international hiring.

Up And Coming Countries for Remote Work

Several countries are actively implementing remote-friendly policies to facilitate the hiring of international employees. Notable examples include: 


Estonia has introduced a digital nomad visa, which allows international remote workers to live and legally work in the country for up to a year. This initiative supports Estonia's reputation as one of the most digitally advanced countries in Europe.


Mexico offers a Temporary Resident Visa, suitable for remote workers who can prove they have the financial means to sustain themselves. The country’s affordable cost of living and vibrant culture make it an attractive destination for digital nomads.


India is improving its digital infrastructure and regulatory frameworks to attract more remote workers. The country’s vast talent pool in IT and customer service makes it a viable option for companies looking to outsource these functions.


Brazil has introduced visas that are more favorable for remote workers and improved internet connectivity across the country. These moves are part of broader efforts to boost economic activity by attracting international talent.


Vietnam is becoming increasingly popular among remote workers due to its low cost of living and high-speed internet. The government is exploring more formal policies to support remote workers, including extended visas and tax incentives.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica offers a specific visa for remote workers and digital nomads, allowing them to stay for up to two years. The country’s rich biodiversity, stable political climate, and high-quality healthcare system add to its appeal as a remote work destination.

How Playroll Can Help You Hire International Employees

Navigating the complexities of global hiring isn't easy – especially if you first need to set up costly legal entities in new markets. Playroll simplifies this process by offering Employer of Record (EOR) services, handling hiring, onboarding, and management of international employees through our network of established legal entities in 180+ regions.

Speak with our experts to discover how Playroll can help you make your next international hire effortless, no matter where they are based.

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