Is it time to schedule your 2024 holidays yet? Playroll’s product team is happy to announce its upgraded Leave Management system to help everyone plan smarter for the rest of the year!
What has changed?
- Leave can now be backdated: Employees can apply for leave that was taken in the past, and rest assured that our algorithm knows which period this leave applies.
- No restrictions on leave applications: Playroll’s system will no longer prevent any leave applications from being made based on the employee’s existing leave balance. Prior to this update, employees were not able to go into a negative leave balance. In the new system, the decision to approve or decline the leave is now entirely up to their manager. Please note that if an employee goes into negative balance, we will always carry this balance forward, where the employee’s continuous leave accrual will make up for the deficit.
- Accuracy: To keep track of every employee’s leave balance in over 180 territories, we’ve needed to develop a custom algorithm with perfect accuracy - which now we have. With improved accuracy, you can now rely on Playroll’s Leave Management System!
- Starting Balances: Employees can now have starting balances greater than zero, where necessary.
- Greater transparency with more granular information: The screenshot below is an example of what Playroll employees and their managers will see when reviewing leave balances.
Annual Leave Page View On Playroll
Your accrued leave balances can be found on the employee dashboard under My leave.

Annual Leave Key
- Annual Entitlement: How many days of leave the employee is entitled to per leave period. Leave periods are the time span over which leave is provided for a single year. Periods have different starting dates from one territory to the next. The two most common are from January 1st - December 31st, and from the employees start date to one year into the future.
- Carried Over Leave: The amount of leave that has been carried over from the previous leave period to the current leave period.
- Deducted Leave: The amount of leave that has been deducted from the employee’s leave balance for the current year (previous deductions are accounted for in “Carried Over Leave”). Deducted Leave includes all approved and pending leave, and excludes all declined and cancelled applications.
- Leave To Date: The live running balance of leave on the employees’ account is now visible and increases daily as the employee accrues time off. This value is what will be used to calculate leave payout upon termination.
- Leave Balance: The amount of leave the employee has for the current leave period. Leave Balance = Leave Entitlement + Carried Over Leave - Deducted Leave. Important to note: we include the employee’s entitlement in this balance. Thus, if an employee begins employment on January 1st 2024 with an entitlement of 20 days, their balance will be 20 days.
How Employees Can View Their Annual Leave
The “My Leave” page, as always, provides the employee’s entitlement, pending leave, and current leave balance. However, employees can now see a detailed calculation of their leave by clicking on “Details”, as demonstrated in the video.
How Employers Can View Their Team's Leave Details
Employers will still see leave applications on the portal under Leave → Requests. However, now they will be able to see a more detailed breakdown of the employees' balance when reviewing applications by clicking on “See Details”.