If you’re hiring in Brazil, it’s important to adhere to the latest laws surrounding minimum wage to remain compliant as an employer. Learn what the updated minimum wage is, how it applies to different workers, and factors influencing minimum wage in Brazil.
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Brazilian Real
GMT -3
monthly or bi-monthly
Employment Cost
7.50% - 14.00%
As of January 1, 2025, Brazil's minimum wage is set at R$1,518.00 per month. This represents a 7.5% increase from the previous amount of R$1,412.00. In U.S. dollars, this equates to approximately $245.00, though exchange rates may vary.
Brazil's minimum wage policy is designed to ensure fair compensation across various employment categories. While the federal minimum wage provides a baseline, certain states have established higher rates, and specific industries may have distinct wage standards.
Full-time employees are entitled to the federal minimum wage of R$1,518.00 per month. However, some states have set higher minimum wages. For instance, Rio Grande do Sul has established a minimum wage of R$1,656.52 for certain categories of workers.
Part-time employees in Brazil are compensated proportionally based on the federal or state minimum wage, depending on their location. Their pay is calculated according to the number of hours worked relative to a full-time schedule.
In Brazil, internships are governed by specific legislation that allows for compensation below the minimum wage, provided certain educational and training conditions are met. Trainees, on the other hand, are generally considered regular employees and are entitled to at least the minimum wage.
Expatriates working in Brazil are subject to the same labor laws as local employees. They are entitled to receive at least the federal or applicable state minimum wage, ensuring equitable treatment in the workplace.
Certain industries in Brazil may have higher minimum wage thresholds due to the nature of the work and demand for skilled labor. For example, sectors such as technology and finance often offer wages that exceed the minimum due to competitive pressures and specialized skill requirements.
Economic indicators like inflation and employment rates significantly influence minimum wage adjustments. The recent increase to R$1,518.00 was calculated based on the National Consumer Price Index (INPC), which rose by 4.84% over the 12 months ending in November, combined with 2.5% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, ensuring a real increase above inflation.
The Brazilian government plays a pivotal role in setting and adjusting the minimum wage. Policies are designed to ensure that wage increases align with economic growth and inflation rates, promoting fair compensation and economic stability.
Over the years, Brazil has implemented periodic increases to the minimum wage to keep pace with economic changes. The recent adjustment to R$1,518.00 reflects the government's commitment to providing real wage gains above inflation, aiming to enhance the purchasing power of workers.
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As of January 1, 2025, the daily minimum wage is R$50.60, and the hourly rate is R$6.87. These figures are derived from the monthly minimum wage of R$1,518.00.
While the federal minimum wage applies broadly, certain states have established higher minimum wages. Additionally, specific categories, such as interns under formal agreements, may receive compensation below the minimum wage, provided legal requirements are met.
The minimum wage in Brazil is typically reviewed and adjusted annually by the federal government, taking into account economic indicators like inflation and GDP growth.
The minimum wage is the legally mandated lowest remuneration that employers can pay their workers. The living wage, however, refers to the income necessary for a worker to meet basic needs such as housing, food, and healthcare. In many regions of Brazil, the minimum wage may not fully align with the living wage, leading to ongoing discussions about adequate compensation levels.
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