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What Hybrid Work?

Hybrid work arrangement blends traditional “in-office” work with “out-of-office” fully remote work or telework.

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What Hybrid Work?

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What Hybrid Work?

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This blended strategy provides employees the flexibility to combine days in the office with any other remote location (home, coffee shop, coworking place, etc.) with or without the use of ICTs.

The combination of working at the office and work from home can benefit both employees and employers but may also lead to various issues arising from both work environments.

Remote Work vs Hybrid Work

  • Work from home (WFH) is known as home-based telework, which encompasses temporary and alternative working arrangements. The term also refers to working at a home office. It represents the form in which an employee works from home utilizing ICTs (information and communication technologies).
  • Telework: The term telework defines work from home or outside the workplace and is a subcategory of the broader concept of a remote working arrangement. While remote workers can work at an alternative worksite outside the default place of work, teleworkers can work from any alternative workplace, and the use of personal electronic devices is an essential part of carrying out the work. Many companies implemented work from home as a short-term solution to this pandemic.
  • Home office is a defined name for occasional work from home or as a flexible benefit.
  • Hybrid work allows employees to work from the office some days per week and then work from home the other days and offers flexibility in the workplace area in terms of workspace and work time.

Benefits of Hybrid Working

The traditional understanding of working from home has been seen as a benefit for employees who could irregularly perform their work outside the workplace.

  • It provides opportunities to divide the workday based on the obligations of individuals and possibilities to meet work- and non-work-related duties.
  • Working from home some days a week benefits employees who need to travel to work and, thus, saves time and reduces transportation costs
  • Employers can save money by reducing facility costs such as energy.
  • Working from home offers greater time flexibility for hybrid teams and can boost focus and productivity when certain indoor environmental conditions of a home office are met, such as visual privacy, overall noise level, and freedom from distraction.

By asking employees to come into the office, the hybrid working arrangement also mitigates the following risks:

  • Employee unavailability when needed
  • Failure to complete tasks on time
  • Lower flexibility in solving problems
  • More difficulty with controlling the availability and performance of employees.
  • Minimized social interactions

Overall, there is some evidence that the hybrid workplace leads to increased positivity, satisfaction with one’s job, commitment to work, and reduced chances of burnout.

Hybrid Work Environment Examples

Employers may allow employees to work from home three times per week. The main purpose is to provide safety, save office-related costs, and satisfy employees’ needs.

On the other hand, some employees still appreciate the opportunity to work from home but also need more personal contact with colleagues (easier communication or cooperation). In this case, renting a coworking place (a different place than home) is another option that employers have. Employees may work from an office or alternative coworking place two times a week. The main purpose is to allow employees to fulfill the need for social contact and run brainstorming meetings.

In both cases, the conditions of employment, such as regularity, place of work, working hours, and working time, need to be detailed in the employment contract.

How Companies Can Integrate Hybrid Work Effectively

Successful implementation and application of hybrid work arrangements require a thorough consideration of the operation (employee and workflow management), company culture, technological infrastructure that enables effective communication, employee well-being, and identification of any skills gaps that may have emerged due to the change in work processes. Each organization must design and develop a model specific to its needs, availability of technologies, and culture.

Several stakeholders have a role in transitioning a company into hybrid work:

  • HR teams will need to focus on making employees feel connected when their employees work from anywhere at any time. Developing chances for employees to interact and connect in a non-physical environment will be vital in designing a healthy hybrid workplace.
  • IT teams: Moving toward hybrid work models presents a risk due to the use of employees’ networks and devices. Therefore, it is important that HR and IT departments focus on end-user education, security, and seamless connectivity that enables hybrid teams to communicate quickly and effectively.
  • Managers must ensure that office and home office employees have equal opportunities in a hybrid workforce. Performance evaluations should be based on work outcomes rather than work processes. It is central to ensure that employees working from home do not feel isolated or invisible.
  • Employees: It is crucial to equip oneself with the necessary skills, such as trust, communication, awareness, technological skills, creativity, critical thinking, and time management, to flourish in a hybrid work environment.

Hybrid Work in a Nutshell

  • Hybrid work arrangements, which combine the benefits of both telework and office work, are now widely expected to be the dominant model for the future of work
  • Work flexibility could significantly boost employee motivation and productivity.
  • Playroll's global HR solutions can assist companies in managing hybrid work arrangements by providing comprehensive support for employees working from various locations worldwide. This includes managing HR policies, compliance, and employee relations to ensure a seamless hybrid work experience.

Hybrid Work FAQ’s 

Does hybrid work affect the work-life balance of employees?

Research suggests that hybrid work can positively impact work-life balance by providing employees with increased freedom and autonomy to choose their work time and space. This flexibility allows employees to balance multiple roles, such as family, personal, and career-related responsibilities.

What is the best hybrid work model?

Hybrid work benefits are generally thought to be the greatest in models that combine a mix of working from home/remotely at least 25% of the time, with working from a traditional workplace such as an office.

What are some of the positive outcomes associated with hybrid work for both employees and employers?

Hybrid work arrangements have been shown to lead to positive outcomes for both employees and employers. These include increased work-life balance, improved efficiency, enhanced workspace design, reduced operating costs, and improved safety measures.

This blended strategy provides employees the flexibility to combine days in the office with any other remote location (home, coffee shop, coworking place, etc.) with or without the use of ICTs.

The combination of working at the office and work from home can benefit both employees and employers but may also lead to various issues arising from both work environments.

Remote Work vs Hybrid Work

  • Work from home (WFH) is known as home-based telework, which encompasses temporary and alternative working arrangements. The term also refers to working at a home office. It represents the form in which an employee works from home utilizing ICTs (information and communication technologies).
  • Telework: The term telework defines work from home or outside the workplace and is a subcategory of the broader concept of a remote working arrangement. While remote workers can work at an alternative worksite outside the default place of work, teleworkers can work from any alternative workplace, and the use of personal electronic devices is an essential part of carrying out the work. Many companies implemented work from home as a short-term solution to this pandemic.
  • Home office is a defined name for occasional work from home or as a flexible benefit.
  • Hybrid work allows employees to work from the office some days per week and then work from home the other days and offers flexibility in the workplace area in terms of workspace and work time.

Benefits of Hybrid Working

The traditional understanding of working from home has been seen as a benefit for employees who could irregularly perform their work outside the workplace.

  • It provides opportunities to divide the workday based on the obligations of individuals and possibilities to meet work- and non-work-related duties.
  • Working from home some days a week benefits employees who need to travel to work and, thus, saves time and reduces transportation costs
  • Employers can save money by reducing facility costs such as energy.
  • Working from home offers greater time flexibility for hybrid teams and can boost focus and productivity when certain indoor environmental conditions of a home office are met, such as visual privacy, overall noise level, and freedom from distraction.

By asking employees to come into the office, the hybrid working arrangement also mitigates the following risks:

  • Employee unavailability when needed
  • Failure to complete tasks on time
  • Lower flexibility in solving problems
  • More difficulty with controlling the availability and performance of employees.
  • Minimized social interactions

Overall, there is some evidence that the hybrid workplace leads to increased positivity, satisfaction with one’s job, commitment to work, and reduced chances of burnout.

Hybrid Work Environment Examples

Employers may allow employees to work from home three times per week. The main purpose is to provide safety, save office-related costs, and satisfy employees’ needs.

On the other hand, some employees still appreciate the opportunity to work from home but also need more personal contact with colleagues (easier communication or cooperation). In this case, renting a coworking place (a different place than home) is another option that employers have. Employees may work from an office or alternative coworking place two times a week. The main purpose is to allow employees to fulfill the need for social contact and run brainstorming meetings.

In both cases, the conditions of employment, such as regularity, place of work, working hours, and working time, need to be detailed in the employment contract.

How Companies Can Integrate Hybrid Work Effectively

Successful implementation and application of hybrid work arrangements require a thorough consideration of the operation (employee and workflow management), company culture, technological infrastructure that enables effective communication, employee well-being, and identification of any skills gaps that may have emerged due to the change in work processes. Each organization must design and develop a model specific to its needs, availability of technologies, and culture.

Several stakeholders have a role in transitioning a company into hybrid work:

  • HR teams will need to focus on making employees feel connected when their employees work from anywhere at any time. Developing chances for employees to interact and connect in a non-physical environment will be vital in designing a healthy hybrid workplace.
  • IT teams: Moving toward hybrid work models presents a risk due to the use of employees’ networks and devices. Therefore, it is important that HR and IT departments focus on end-user education, security, and seamless connectivity that enables hybrid teams to communicate quickly and effectively.
  • Managers must ensure that office and home office employees have equal opportunities in a hybrid workforce. Performance evaluations should be based on work outcomes rather than work processes. It is central to ensure that employees working from home do not feel isolated or invisible.
  • Employees: It is crucial to equip oneself with the necessary skills, such as trust, communication, awareness, technological skills, creativity, critical thinking, and time management, to flourish in a hybrid work environment.

Hybrid Work in a Nutshell

  • Hybrid work arrangements, which combine the benefits of both telework and office work, are now widely expected to be the dominant model for the future of work
  • Work flexibility could significantly boost employee motivation and productivity.
  • Playroll's global HR solutions can assist companies in managing hybrid work arrangements by providing comprehensive support for employees working from various locations worldwide. This includes managing HR policies, compliance, and employee relations to ensure a seamless hybrid work experience.

Hybrid Work FAQ’s 

Does hybrid work affect the work-life balance of employees?

Research suggests that hybrid work can positively impact work-life balance by providing employees with increased freedom and autonomy to choose their work time and space. This flexibility allows employees to balance multiple roles, such as family, personal, and career-related responsibilities.

What is the best hybrid work model?

Hybrid work benefits are generally thought to be the greatest in models that combine a mix of working from home/remotely at least 25% of the time, with working from a traditional workplace such as an office.

What are some of the positive outcomes associated with hybrid work for both employees and employers?

Hybrid work arrangements have been shown to lead to positive outcomes for both employees and employers. These include increased work-life balance, improved efficiency, enhanced workspace design, reduced operating costs, and improved safety measures.

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